Part 119: Low-Level Run - Chapter 1

While Elentor is doing the sane thing and playing the game normally, I've decided to play a Low Level Game! What this means is this: I will be getting no EXP except when forced. This will bring everyone in the party to about level 28. Except Tifa. Tifa will end as many forced battles as possible KOed, and will end the game at level 7.
If you've ever wondered how to survive when underleveled, here's how!

Also it's this kind of challenge that changes the next level EXP here from curiosity... annoyance. These guys give 32 EXP.

And Cloud needs 6 to get to level 7 instead of 35. This LLG is already off to a wonderful start.

Also Ex-SOLDIER is 10 characters so I am forced to get creative with names. I don't know how much sense it makes but I'm not using defaults.


I have failed to get creative with names.

Also running. Lots and lots of running. This will be the runningest LP.
Chocobuckle probably won't be worth shit anyway

Free items are my only lifeblood. No random encounters means I've got fixed amounts of gil until I get Steal.

Never mind the fucker took 20 minutes to lower it.

But Barrel got the guy with a Big Shot, saving me effort later.


And here's why this is low-level while still getting to an average of 28 - bosses in FF7 give EXP.

Not a bad time, considering I ran more than usual.

Escaping from an exploding power plant has completely reinvigorated CLOUD. I never once healed the entire time.

They're only one gil.
One. Gil.

This text box is huge despite containing so little. The other text box here is the same size.

If I fight them CLOUD gets EXP. Later!

Barrel was 4 when the plate was built. Doubt he knew that much about what Midgar was like before it.

By going to a seedy bar we get an ex-president on our team.

Also I am going to be very very nice to Barrel.

These prices don't make much sense, considering that would buy only two ethers. Commiting terrorist acts against the world government seems like it would demand a higher pay, no?

This qualifies as nice to Barrel.

Here's where my LLG shennanigans start to show. Never thought you'd catch her below level 5, did you?

Iron Bangles, 2 Restore Materia, and 20 potions. I sell the ethers I got early on to fund this.

The next reactor is boring besides all the running and running and running.

Oh god I don't want to fight them they'll probably get Taft a level

Airbuster would be pretty boring, since it'd be unloading limits then having Barrel and Taft kill each other so Cloud gets all the EXP.
So I decide to do something wacky.

I'll get this intrepid trio their 1-2 limit breaks, meaning I'll have to hit Airbuster with 25 limit breaks!

Of course, since Barrel and CLOUD deal 100 when they don't critical, and Airbuster has 1200 HP, this gets a little complicated.

Hence the Restore materia and potions. I'll have to heal Airbuster a few times.
He counterattacks on healing by the way. A potion will make him turn around then attack the healer.

Taft got her 9 Beat Rushes, and gets shot to death.
Taft will get shot to death a lot in this challenge.

Barrel soon joins after his 9th limit. The one against Guard Scorpion allows me to kill him off a little faster.

And CLOUD beats down Airbuster all alone, though it takes a while since I was so afraid of killing it I kept its HP topped off.

Can't say the plan didn't work. And Cloud doesn't gain a level from Airbuster.

See ya bro. Sorry about letting you get shot to death.

I asked an IRC channel about the name. I regret the choice.

Also average level shennanigans have resulted in Aerated sitting at level 2, with only 6 EXP to speak of.
This is already getting strage.